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Daniel Gigiano Blog

Proudly Serving Medina, Summit and Wayne Counties

Minimum Amount Of Child Support

Is there a minimum amount of child support that a court must order?  Yes, there is.  Courts usually order guideline support, which is the amount of support calculated under the child support guidelines.  However, Ohio Revised Code 3119.06 (R.C. 3119.06) requires the court to order a minimum child support order of $50 per month.  If the person is not working and receiving needs-based assistance, then, while the arrearages accrue, the obligation to pay child support is suspended as long as the person is complying with a seek-work order.


Even though the statute says that is the lowest amount, is it?  No.  Ohio law also allows the court to order one to pay less than $50 per month or not require any child support if the parent ordered to pay has a medically verified or documented physical or mental disability or institutionalization for mental illness.



Ohio child support laws are designed to ensure that children receive the support that they need.  Even when a parent makes very little, that parent still has an obligation to pay child support to support his or her children.  While $50.00 per month may not be much, it furthers the policy that some minimal level of support should occur.


To read more, click on the following links to my other articles on divorce and dissolution: notice of intent to relocate, grandparents’ rights in OhioOhio child support terms, Ohio child custody factors, getting custody of your child back in Ohio, recording children not allowed in Ohio, and getting creative with Ohio child support.


Attorney Gigiano is a Wadsworth child support attorney in Medina County, Ohio.  Attorney Gigiano has litigated child support issues in a number of counties, including Medina County, Wayne County and Summit County.  Daniel Gigiano’s reviews in numerous websites are well-received, and his willingness to take on tough cases and work hard has also resulted in articles and links to his work.  More reviews are available in the following links:  Daniel Gigiano reviews; Daniel Gigiano ratings; Daniel Gigiano work; works of Daniel Gigiano.  If you have questions about this or other questions you  need answered by an Akron child support attorney near Barberton or a Wooster child support attorney near Orrville, please call Attorney Daniel F. Gigiano at 330-336-3330.