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Daniel Gigiano Blog

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Courts Impute Income For Child Support

Courts impute income for child support.  This means that the court will determine that you should make a certain amount of income even if you do not.  How does the court do that?  The court considers employment history, education, physical and mental disabilities, availability of employment in the area, typical wages in the area, skills and training, whether the person has the ability to earn the imputed income, the age and special needs of the child, and experience in the field.  Basically, the court will impute income if a parent voluntarily reduces income or loses a job.  If the income loss or reduction was involuntary and the person cannot easily obtain another job at the same income level, then the court may accept the person’s current income level for child support purposes.



The concept of imputed income is designed to discourage parties from quitting their jobs for the sole purpose of reducing their child support or spousal support payments.  It also discourages parties from sabotaging their jobs, or, in other words, engaging in activity that would get them fired.  If the court determines that a party has engaged in these types of actions, the court may, under Ohio law, impute the party’s wages from that former job.  Ohio child support laws are designed to ensure that children receive the support that they need.  A system of laws designed to ensure that parents remain as gainfully employed as they are able fulfills that purpose.


To read more, click on the following links to my other articles on divorce and dissolution: when can you move with your child in Ohio, grandparents’ rights in Ohio, Ohio courts usually make you pay some child support, guide to Ohio child support terms, things Ohio courts consider in child custody hearings, how to fight for getting your child back in Ohio, it is not a good idea to audio record your child’s wishes in Ohio, and Ohio child support can be flexibleAttorney Gigiano’s hard work has resulted in highly successful results for many of his clients, as reflected in the following links to his reviews: Daniel Gigiano reviews; Daniel Gigiano ratings; works of Daniel Gigiano; and Daniel Gigiano work.



Attorney Gigiano is a Medina County child support attorney in Wadsworth, Ohio.  Daniel Gigiano’s ratings in numerous websites demonstrate the quality of his work.  His willingness to take on tough cases and work hard has also resulted in articles and links to his work.  If you have questions about this or other questions you  need answered by a Wooster child support attorney near Orrville or an Akron child support attorney near Barberton, Ohio, please call Attorney Daniel F. Gigiano at 330-336-3330.