Expungements in Ohio are available to more people due to the expansion of the expungement eligibility requirements. Under the old law, a “first offender” was defined as a person with only one conviction on their record. The new law expanded the definition of “first offender” to an “eligible offender.” An eligible offender is someone that “has not more than one felony conviction, not more than two misdemeanor convictions if the convictions are not of the same offense, or not more than one felony conviction and one misdemeanor conviction.” Minor misdemeanors and minor traffic offenses were not, and still are not, considered convictions when considering eligibility for expungement. Expungement can also be referred to as “sealing a conviction.”
Daniel Gigiano Ratings, Articles and Reviews
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Working With Daniel Gigiano Is Working With Experience
If you have any questions about the new expungement eligibility laws, please contact Attorney Daniel F. Gigiano at 330-336-3330. Attorney Gigiano is an experienced Wadsworth criminal defense attorney in Medina County, Ohio. He practices in the Summit County Courts, Medina County Courts, Wayne County Courts and the courts in the surrounding counties.